In meaning and value for aesthetic the
nature of painting is found, is this not
true fine art?
James Hondros
Whether looking to buy an original, oil based, modern abstract or a simple yet personal portrait, James Hondros has a particular way of seeing and transforming paints to images with colours which can be interesting, as well as add particular value to what you are looking to develop or design. His action and skill when using oil on canvas, for a reproduction, or as a decoration, communicates a language building on nature and symbolism. His depictions always represent a delineation, or likeness, not typically portrayed or previously illustrated in oil painting. As a talented painter, take the opportunity to engage with the art created by James Hondros. His own understanding, and communication of the grammar of the visual arts of painting, propels forward representation, engagement and composition.
It is really important to choose the right artist when commissioning an original work as it is not only a celebration of the subject, it is also a significant occasion laying down heritage as well as being a public statement of achievement and ambition. From a gift to an expression of aesthetics, it is unassuming to acquire a work from James Hondros. Right for any purpose, an individualized piece may be designed for you and your space, corporate art collection, exhibition or display. Perhaps you may like a particular style of painting, or are looking for something reproduced. James Hondros is always happy to oblige to create an individual work for you, anytime. To commission a work, simply get in touch with the gallery via email to explain your requirements and James Hondros will contact you in relation to your ideas.
James Hondros
Experience I, 2012.
40 cm x 50 cm ( 16 in x 20 in )
James Hondros
Experience II, 2012.
40 cm x 50 cm ( 16 in x 20 in )
James Hondros
Experience III, 2012.
40 cm x 50 cm ( 16 in x 20 in )
Distinct oil painting reproductions, from original, are available from James Hondros and often of interest to collectors, galleries and museums. Oil painting reproductions can, sometimes, be regarded as artworks in themselves. With experience reproducing works, a reproduction has a degree of comfort, modernity and opulence usually combining to define the overall style of a room. As in most show homes, master suites, units and children's rooms, office or lounge, this degree of separation is semiotic and distinctive enough to warrant some comment. We all share a tendency to view works of art as a special kind of display and to expect meanings that we can respond to without words, and yet we need to be able to articulate mentally for ourselves what it is we understand and enjoy and dislike in a work.
Drawing with pen, pencil, or chalk this creative activity may encompass sketches, drawings, and studies of nudes, heads, figure studies, muse, anatomical drawings, studies of people and animals, mythical representations and religious work. The compositions, are carefully reproduced on fine-quality paper, and may range from youthful studies modeled after ancient sculpture and early Renaissance frescoes to the otherworldly religious creations or modern expressions. A preliminary drawing may even be executed in connection with a commission or two. To commission a drawing, simply get in touch to explain your requirements and James will contact you about your ideas.